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Smiles and Enthusiasm on the First Day of School

School News Parents
Smiles and Enthusiasm on the First Day of School

After much prayer and preparation for the return of our students, the day finally arrived!

The first day of school on September 4, 2024 was full of excitement. Grade 1-6 parents and guardians gathered with students outside the Main School Entrance. First day nerves were calmed with encouragement, smiles and prayers from our fantastic teachers, EAs and Administrators. It was fun to watch our student and parent community catching up with each other after summer break. Grade 7-12 students met in their designated meeting zones and classrooms, while navigating new lockers, routines and timetables. Our new students in Grades 7-12 enjoyed interactive orientations and were paired up with seasoned students to help and welcome them on their first day at LCS. Tours were given, and Kindergarten families enjoyed meeting their child’s teacher.

How fantastic to see our hallways filled with students again!

Our theme verse for 2024-2025 is Proverbs 3:5-6 which says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

We look forward to all that God will do in the year ahead at LCS as we follow His leading.

Principal Bryan Schroeder was available to meet and talk with parents and guardians
The Drive-Thru and Crosswalk were bustling.
First day smiles.
It’s going to be a great year in Grade 2!
Our Senior Years teachers were ready to meet their students!
Spiritual Care and Campus Life Leader Josh Dalzell led our new high school students in a first day orientation
It was wonderful to see our parent community again.