Student Outreach and Community Service
One of Linden’s core values is to equip students to serve in the local and global community. We want our students to become compassionate community members. At LCS there are many opportunities to serve.
We are committed to developing and equipping Christian servant leaders who are compassionate community members. With a wide variety of outreach activities taking place from Kindergarten to Grade 12, LCS students gain a deeper understanding of what it means to serve and love others.
Here are some ways LCS students serve:
$12,500+ raised for World Vision by our Middle Years Students
$38,000 raised for Impact Ministries at our Senior Years Walk/Ride for Impact
184 shoeboxes packed for Operation Christmas Child
840 pounds of food donated to Harvest Manitoba
388 pairs of socks were given to Siloam Mission
370+ hours of service completed on our Senior Years Day of Service
These stats are from the 2023-2024 school year