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Reconnecting and Celebrating: LCS Homecoming Highlights

School News Alumni
Reconnecting and Celebrating: LCS Homecoming Highlights

The building was abuzz with excitement as alumni headed back for our annual Homecoming celebration on Saturday, September 14, 2024. It was a whirlwind of activity, beginning with a welcome and refreshments before families headed to a high-energy basketball challenge. Alumni players relived their years with the Wings during a friendly scrimmage against our current Varsity athletes. A Homecoming highlight for many was was attending the yearbook event for the Class of 2024, where our most recent alumni gathered to reminisce, turn pages, and celebrate their final year at Linden Christian School.

Families with children enjoyed a variety of games designed to entertain the younger generation, while Senior Years teacher Nick Janzen manned the BBQ. Iced lattés, fruit, hot dogs, veggies and cookies tempted attendees to savour a meal and catch up with old friends. LCS staff were out in full force, warmly greeting guests, serving hot dogs, and distributing yearbooks. Their presence was a testament to the school’s commitment to fostering connections and celebrating its community.

As the day unfolded, there was a palpable sense of joy and nostalgia in the air. Former students wandered the familiar halls, noting the new additions and updates, alongside their children, some of whom are now current LCS students. This full-circle moment was poignant, reflecting the enduring legacy and ongoing bond between the school and its alumni.

LCS Homecoming gatherings are not just events; they are a growing tradition that strengthens our alumni community and reinforces our commitment to create a welcoming space for all. We are deeply grateful for the enthusiastic participation and continued support of our alumni. Seeing our former students return, bringing their families and sharing their experiences, affirms the sense of belonging that LCS strives to nurture. We look forward to many more Homecoming celebrations that honor our past and build our future together.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 13: 3-6

LCS alumni and their children (current LCS students)!
The Class of 2024 Yearbook Event.
Former students caught up with staff members.

It was great to see their smiling faces again!

A basketball challenge – alumni and staff vs. Varsity athletes.
Our Grade 12s took on the alumni team!
Two alumni (and now LCS staff) pose with Head of School Robert Charach.
Iced lattés for attending guests.
Photo booth fun.
We are thankful for our alumni and current student volunteers!