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Little Feet, Big Impact: Students Unite for Cancer Research

School News Athletics
Little Feet, Big Impact: Students Unite for Cancer Research

Kindergarten to Grade 8 students participated in the Terry Fox Run on September 24 and 25, 2024. We joined over 600 communities across Canada, helping to continue Terry’s dream of a world without cancer. This year’s theme, No Matter What, highlighted the importance of raising funds for cancer research. Terry’s dream
continues to inspire us to forge a path to a future without cancer and celebrates progress like increased
survival rates for those walking through a diagnosis.

We enjoyed beautiful weather for our school run on September 25. Students brought in donations, displayed stickers for loved ones, and ran for friends and family members who have had or are currently walking through a cancer journey.

We set a fundraising goal of $1,100 and this year our LCS community raised $1,359.60 for cancer research!