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School News

June 2024

Celebrating a Year of Learning at Farewell Chapel

Our Kindergarten to Grade 6 students enjoyed a Farewell Chapel on June 26, 2024. We praised God together, prayed for staff and students, and heard a fun poem from Vice Principals Jeff Thiessen and Heather Karr about how LCS teachers spend their summer vacation. Principal Bryan Schroeder encouraged our students to think about the ways … Continued

Class of 2024 Convocation

Our Class of 2024 Convocation Ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 27 at 4:00 pm. We can’t wait to celebrate our 93 graduates! Diplomas, scholarships, and awards will be presented and the Class of 2024 will enjoy a challenge from Mr. Kevin Gilmour. This year our Valedictorian address will be given by Kieran J. … Continued

Top Provincial Scores in Mathematics

The Fryer and Galois Contests (Grades 9-11) and Euclid Contest (Grade 12) offer unique opportunities for students to enhance problem-solving and communication skills. Focused on critical thinking rather than specific curriculum content, these contests feature progressively complex tasks that encourage logical thinking and mathematical problem-solving.  The Euclid Contest, taken by over 20,000 students globally each … Continued

Help Us Close the Gap / HVAC Renewal

The HVAC units at LCS were installed in 1997 and have outlived their expected lifespans. We are in need of a $750,000 upgrade to mitigate the risks of HVAC failure and ensure reliable heating and ventilation for years to come. Our current HVAC capital project is crucial to avoid disruptions in the school’s daily operations while … Continued

LCS Alumni Reunite After Ten Years

Linden Christian School classes of 2010-2014 gathered to celebrate their 10 year reunions on Saturday, June 8, 2024. There was much laughter and conversation as alumni reminisced about their days at LCS. They looked through old yearbooks, walked the school hallways that they had shared with their peers, introduced spouses and children, and collected the … Continued

Early Years Spring Concert Delights Guests

Our Early Years Spring Concert What a Wonderful World delighted guests on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Thank you to our Early Years Music Teacher Brenda Johnson, accompanists Lynelle Thiessen and Biju J. ‘ 25, teachers, support staff, and the technical team for a fantastic evening. What a Wonderful World featured our Kindergarten to Grade 4 … Continued

Senior Years Students Support LCS’ Vision through Ride for Impact

Senior Years students recently participated in Ride for Impact, a fundraising initiative that saw students bike and walk to raise funds in support of Impact Ministries in Tactic, Guatemala. Our Grade 9-12 students (343 of them) participated, choosing to either bike for 10 or 20 km, or walk for 5 km. They brought in donations, … Continued

Outstanding Alumna and LCS Teacher Recognition

The University of Manitoba Students’ Teacher Recognition Reception (STRR) is an opportunity to celebrate teaching excellence. Recognizing that academic growth and development occurs over many years, each faculty nominates an outstanding graduating student, who then selects two teachers who have made important contributions to their education, one from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and one from … Continued

Senior Years Choral Students Take Guests on Musical Journey

Our Senior Years Choral Concert “Canada to Cuba – A Musical Journey” featured folk songs from Newfoundland to Columbia, as well as traditional numbers, dancing and more. Our Grade 9, 10 and Senior Choir, Vocal Ensemble and Chamber Singers delighted guests at their Spring Concert on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at Crescent Fort Rouge United … Continued

Student Conductors and Composers on Display at Senior Years Band Concert

Guests to the LCS Senior Years Spring Band Concert on May 29, 2024 were impressed with our Grade 9-12 choral performances. They enjoyed original student compositions and heard from student conductors as well! Concert and jazz bands were highlighted and a fabulous mass jazz band closed out the evening. The concert featured many student soloists, … Continued

May 2024

Celebrating Students at K-8 Chapel

Each spring at LCS, our K-8 community gathers to celebrate student accomplishments at our K-Grade 8 Celebration Chapel. On Friday, May 31, 2024 students were recognized for various achievements, character awards and school involvement. We thanked our Crosswalk Patrols and presented trophies to our Speech Contest winners. All finalists were hooured and the overall top … Continued

Honouring our Volunteers

Our parent community is a blessing! Thank you to those parents and grandparents who take the time out of their busy schedules to volunteer in classrooms and the library, for field trips, with Pizza Friday and fundraisers, and to support our teachers and school initiatives. Hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Tea on May 23 gave us … Continued

Top Math Contest Performances

Congratulations to our first round of Senior Years math award recipients! Three LCS students were awarded with top performance medals and 11 students were honoured with certificates of distinction. Students in Grades 9-11 recently had the opportunity to participate in the Pascal, Cayley and Fermat math contests. Mathematics and computing contests are a fun way … Continued

Medieval Times in Grade 8

Guests were heralded into the Grade 8 Medieval Banquet on Friday, May 17, 2024. The student led event included skits, excerpts from history, a head table made up of Middle Years staff, period specific attire, food tasters, 5th century blessings, coat of arms on display, the game show “Brave as a Knight”, the King’s Speech, … Continued

Love in Action at Harvest Manitoba

At LCS, our Grade 7 students have been volunteering at Harvest Manitoba for the last 19 years as part of our Social Studies and Biblical Studies curricula. This year, the students collected and donated 426 pounds of food, which equates to $1367.45 in monetary value for Harvest. During a recent field trip, students were educated about the … Continued