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Career Fair 2022

School News Parents
Career Fair 2022

At Linden Christian School, we work with families to provide an excellent, well rounded Christian education for our students as they are guided to shape meaningful lives.

Grade 11 & 12 students had the opportunity to visit a Career Fair from the comfort of their own school hallway on Wednesday, October 19. Representatives from the following institutions had displays and information packages for inquiring students: The Armed Forces, Booth College, Steinbach Bible College, University of Winnipeg, Providence University, Red River College, University of Manitoba, Canadian Mennonite University, Herzing College, Brandon University, Nipiwan Bible College and Millar College of the Bible.

Students had time to chat and collect information at each table and research post secondary options.

Thank you to our Career Counsellor Cindy Bogusky for organizing the event. Her guidance as she helps our students map out their future education is so valuable.

For more information on post secondary options visit University & Career Counselling.