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October 2024

Worship as a K-12 Community

Our Kindergarten to Grade 12 community gathered for Worship Wednesday on October 16. We sang our school song “Because He Loves Us”, participated in corporate prayer, read scripture together, lifted our voices in praise, and heard from LCS parent and musician Osvaldo Ferraz about nurturing a heart of worship. Thank you to Mrs. Brenda Johnson, … Continued

Gratitude in Action: A Chapel of Thanks and Praise

We gathered as a community on Thursday, October 10, 2024 for our Kindergarten to Grade 7 Thanksgiving Chapel. Classroom presentations, praise as a community, and prayers encouraged guests to nurture a posture of gratitude. Principal Bryan Schroeder welcomed guests and opened up in prayer. Our Grade 5 Choir reminded guests to be thankful in all … Continued

Kicked Off the Year with Connections

Our Kindergarten to Grade 12 community kicked off the school year with a Meet the Teacher event onTuesday, September 24. Families ate in the small gym and South Hall and then spent time touring the school and meeting their children’s teachers. Administration was on hand to greet new and returning LCS families. Parents enjoyed catching … Continued

September 2024

Strong Connections to Support Each Student

Our Grade 1-6 students enjoyed individualized time with their teachers and gathered in smaller group settings for activities during Strong Connections on September 13 and 16, 2024.  Strong Connections is an assessment and relationship building program that equips students in Grades 1-6 for the year ahead. Our teachers spent time in individual assessments to learn … Continued

Smiles and Enthusiasm on the First Day of School

After much prayer and preparation for the return of our students, the day finally arrived! The first day of school on September 4, 2024 was full of excitement. Grade 1-6 parents and guardians gathered with students outside the Main School Entrance. First day nerves were calmed with encouragement, smiles and prayers from our fantastic teachers, … Continued

June 2024

Celebrating a Year of Learning at Farewell Chapel

Our Kindergarten to Grade 6 students enjoyed a Farewell Chapel on June 26, 2024. We praised God together, prayed for staff and students, and heard a fun poem from Vice Principals Jeff Thiessen and Heather Karr about how LCS teachers spend their summer vacation. Principal Bryan Schroeder encouraged our students to think about the ways … Continued

Class of 2024 Convocation

Our Class of 2024 Convocation Ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 27 at 4:00 pm. We can’t wait to celebrate our 93 graduates! Diplomas, scholarships, and awards will be presented and the Class of 2024 will enjoy a challenge from Mr. Kevin Gilmour. This year our Valedictorian address will be given by Kieran J. … Continued

Athletes Rewarded for Accomplishments and Contributions

Linden Christian School celebrates ongoing athletic accomplishments. Each June we host an event to honour our Senior Years athletes and the contributions they make to our teams. This year, athletes were celebrated at an Awards Brunch on June 15, 2024. Students were honoured and coaches and parents thanked for their time and effort supporting LCS athletic … Continued

Top Provincial Scores in Mathematics

The Fryer and Galois Contests (Grades 9-11) and Euclid Contest (Grade 12) offer unique opportunities for students to enhance problem-solving and communication skills. Focused on critical thinking rather than specific curriculum content, these contests feature progressively complex tasks that encourage logical thinking and mathematical problem-solving.  The Euclid Contest, taken by over 20,000 students globally each … Continued

Help Us Close the Gap / HVAC Renewal

The HVAC units at LCS were installed in 1997 and have outlived their expected lifespans. We are in need of a $750,000 upgrade to mitigate the risks of HVAC failure and ensure reliable heating and ventilation for years to come. Our current HVAC capital project is crucial to avoid disruptions in the school’s daily operations while … Continued

Grade 6 Leaders Assist LCS Community

Thank you to our 2023-2024 Ambassadors and Patrols! As we wrap up another school year, we are thankful for the Grade 6 leaders who have helped at recess and on the crosswalk. Their commitment to supporting students and safety, even in extreme weather, is so appreciated. Grade 6 Ambassadors play a vital role at LCS. … Continued

May 2024

Celebrating Students at K-8 Chapel

Each spring at LCS, our K-8 community gathers to celebrate student accomplishments at our K-Grade 8 Celebration Chapel. On Friday, May 31, 2024 students were recognized for various achievements, character awards and school involvement. We thanked our Crosswalk Patrols and presented trophies to our Speech Contest winners. All finalists were hooured and the overall top … Continued

Honouring our Volunteers

Our parent community is a blessing! Thank you to those parents and grandparents who take the time out of their busy schedules to volunteer in classrooms and the library, for field trips, with Pizza Friday and fundraisers, and to support our teachers and school initiatives. Hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Tea on May 23 gave us … Continued

Cuba Trip for Performing Arts Students

Grade 11 and 12 Performing Arts students at LCS recently returned from a cultural and musical exchange in Cuba. Their trip ran from May 3-10, 2024 and offered many exciting opportunities for our band and choir students to perform, learn from professional musicians and collaborate with the top music students in Cuba. Dance, vocal and percussion workshops and presentations, salsa … Continued

SOFA Private Music Lessons for Fall 2024

Register now for School of Fine Arts music lessons for the 2024-2025 school year. Interested families can contact our Administrator Rita Zurzolo at [email protected]. Registration forms have been emailed to current students who will be continuing with their lessons in September 2024. The early registration deadline is May 17, 2024. Find a detailed list of … Continued