School News Parents
Celebrating Canadian History at Order of Good CheerGrade 5 students at Linden Christian School spent the afternoon of Monday, April 8 reenacting French Canadian history. They recently learned that Samuel de Champlain created “the Order of Good-Cheer’ in 1607 to brighten the atmosphere of the harsh winters in Acadia through merriment and a celebration of kinship. Our students prepared a meal just like the small elite of Port-Royal did for their fellow members centuries ago. It was fun for our students to share a feast of bannock, perform plays, enjoy a talent show, learn the Red River Jig, and re-enact the toasts of Chief Membertou, Samuel de Champlain, and Baron de Poutrincourt. What a fun way to learn about Acadian history at this annual Middle Years event.
Students dressed up in period specific clothing, brought bannock, and prepared their skits, talents and monologues for the event that was not only a fun community builder for our Grade 5s, but also an opportunity to grow their understanding of the French settlers who coexisted alongside the Indigenous Mi’kmaq and Maliseet peoples in Canada.
The event helped solidify learning about Acadia’s history as a French speaking colony stretching back as far as the early 17th century. Students enjoyed learning about the Acadian region that includes present day Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland, and the arrival of the first French colonists under the leadership of Pierre du Gua de Monts and Samuel de Champlain.
Thank you to our Grade 5 teaching team for fostering a fun learning environment for our Middle Years students.