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Gratitude in Action: A Chapel of Thanks and Praise

School News Parents
Gratitude in Action: A Chapel of Thanks and Praise

We gathered as a community on Thursday, October 10, 2024 for our Kindergarten to Grade 7 Thanksgiving Chapel. Classroom presentations, praise as a community, and prayers encouraged guests to nurture a posture of gratitude.

Principal Bryan Schroeder welcomed guests and opened up in prayer. Our Grade 5 Choir reminded guests to be thankful in all circumstances through the song “Beautiful Day. We enjoyed an interpretation of “10,000 Reasons from 5D and a time of lifting our voices in praise.

1R delighted guests with the poem “Thankful Hands” and 2B shared the poem “A Thanksgiving Garden” with some great visuals and clever reminders for guests about gratitude. “Life’s Little Blessings” was recited by 4H with a slideshow showcasing blessings the students are thankful for. We enjoyed worshipping together as a community of students, parents and staff members.

Head of School/CEO Robert Charach reflected on the many reasons we have to give thanks to God this Thanksgiving.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2: 6-7

Guests had the opportunity to catch up with friends and family during a time of fellowship and coffee/tea in the South Hall.

“Beautiful Day” from our Grade 5 Choir.
Opening prayer.
“10,000 Reasons” from 5D.
Guests loved ” A Thanksgiving Garden”.
“Thankful Hands” from 1R!
A Gratitude reminder from our Head of School.

“A Thanksgiving Garden”
Many parents stayed for a time of fellowship following Chapel.