Middle Years Speech ContestEach Spring LCS hosts an annual Speech Contest. All Middle Years students spend time researching and writing a speech on a topic of their choice. Each student is given the opportunity to practice their public speaking skills by performing in front of their classmates. Following this, two students from each room are selected to present on stage at the Speech Contest.
Our community looks forward to hearing speeches covering a wide range of topics. Congratulations to our finalists and top scoring students!
Grade 5/6 Finalists: Ananya K, Bella B, Avary L, David L, Brielle M, Raya P, Sophia R, and Isabella B.
Grade 5/6 Top Scores: Ayomipo O, Daniel N, Miriam S, and Hadassah O.
Grade 7/8 Finalists: Joel S, Connor N, Nate R, Kyla N, Steve Y, Karen D, Max H, Skyla C, and Lillian W.
Grade 7/8 Top Scores: Anderson F, Bithiah R, Teagan L, Izabel H. and Meredith B.
Great job everyone.