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Overflowing with Gratitude this Thanksgiving

Parents School News
Overflowing with Gratitude this Thanksgiving

We gathered as a community on Thursday, October 5 for our Kindergarten to Grade 7 Thanksgiving Chapel. Classroom presentations, worship music and prayers challenged guests to nurture a posture of gratitude.

Principal Bryan Schroeder welcomed guests and opened up in prayer. KR delighted guests with the poem “Thank you God” and “I’m a Little Pumpkin”. 4M shared thoughts of thankfulness and 2J recited the poem “Things I’m Thankful For”. We enjoyed worshipping together and 5D and 6L thanked God for both small and big things!

Head of School/CEO Robert Charach read a part of our school verse and talked about the importance of having an attitude of gratitude this Thanksgiving and at all times.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2: 6-7

Our annual Chapel closed with the blessing: “May our hearts be overflowing with thankfulness this weekend in a new and special way” and guests had the opportunity to catch up with friends and family during a time of fellowship and coffee/tea in the South Hall.