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School News

Everyday, hundreds of people pass through our main school entrance. Morning and afternoon rush hour traffic can be very busy. Students race to get themselves inside their classroom before “O Canada”, while parents hope to get to work on time.

At LCS, we care about punctuality, but more importantly, we care about the safety of our community. Our high standards in regards to safety wouldn’t be possible without the help of our Grade 6 cross walk patrols.

Our patrols have been trained to ensure that each person that enters and exits our building in the morning and afternoon arrives safe and on time. Being a patrol is a big commitment and patrols are required year round. LCS patrols are expected to be at school extra early in the morning and ready to serve at the end of the school day. They also have to be prepared to do their job in any weather. It’s no secret that the weather in Winnipeg can be unpredictable, and this year our patrols had to put up with an unrelenting winter. Whether parents are walking their kids into the building in the morning, or high school students are heading to their parked cars at the end of the day, the safety of pedestrians and drivers remains a top priority for our patrols.

Our 2021-2022 team did a great job of taking their job seriously while serving our students, staff and parents. Thank you patrols for going above and beyond to protect our community.