School News Parents
Ribbon Cut on North LotThank you to everyone who helped us Pave the Way!
On October 13, 2023, one week after the lighting was installed, Linden Christian School “cut the ribbon” to celebrate the completion of the north lot.
Head of School, Robert Charach, and Associate Director of Advancement, Kristen Kroeker, were joined at the ribbon by LCS Board Chair, Sandra Nickel, LCS Board Treasurer, Mark Loewen, and Representatives from Hansch Construction who led the project – Devin Gowryluk and Vladamir Hlas. Representing the LCS parent community – who so generously supported the project – were members of our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) – Chantal Bruinooge (Chair), Keri Ramsdale and Heather Rempel.
Over the past number of years, it had become more apparent that the dilapidated condition of the current north parking lot was worsening. In late May, with plans in place, a capital campaign to Pave the Way was launched.
Thank you LCS parents, grandparents, families and friends for embracing this capital initiative. God moved hearts and our community generously stepped forward. Many gifts of all sizes were given and the project was largely completed over the summer months, allowing for full use of the newly paved parking lot at the start of the school year. Work included an improved drainage system, additional electrical outlets for the staff, a central walkway, seating, trees, lighting and paving over 80,000 sq feet. The results exceeded expectations and it has been an encouragement to hear the excitement and positive feedback from our community.
At this time, we are pleased to announce that, with pledges and gifts, we have achieved our fundraising goal.
PS. Enjoy this thirty second time lapse video showing the work in progress, up until completion by clicking here.