School News
Socks for Siloam – Grade 1s Respond to Local NeedGrade 1 students have been collecting socks for Siloam Mission throughout the month of April. Grade 1 teacher Miss Jennifer Rumboldt learned that adult socks were in demand at the mission and the initiative was set in motion. Our three Grade 1 classrooms have responded by bringing in socks to bless the feet of those less fortunate.
For the new LCS initiative this year, students set a goal of collecting 60 pairs of socks for the residents of Siloam. Our Grade 1s ended up donating 388 pairs of socks to the residents at Siloam! This project has brought awareness to our students about local need and sparked conversations in the classroom about responding with God’s love. Grade 1 students have been praying for the residents at Siloam and growing as compassionate community members. This project also provided our students with an opportunity to grow in kindness and generosity.
On Friday, May 10, 2024, a representative from Siloam Mission will visit LCS to collect the donations, and will speak to the Grade 1 students, growing their understanding of the importance of giving back.
Participating in this meaningful initiative has been a great outreach opportunity for our Grade 1s.