School News
Unity and Diversity on Display – Global Community Days at LCSOur K-Grade 12 community enjoyed a beautiful celebration of diversity and unity at our recent Global Community Days.
On April 11, Senior Years students honoured the many different languages, cultures, and nations that God has brought to LCS. Students were invited to showcase their country of origin with a display of artifacts and items that highlighted their ethnicity. At the heart of this special day was a desire to celebrate the diversity of our LCS student body.
This year’s theme verse was Isaiah 49:1b and 15b. “…Before I was born, the Lord chose me to serve him. Before I was born the Lord spoke my name… He will never forget me…” What a beautiful picture of unity and God’s care for his people worldwide.
Kindergarten to Grade 12 students were invited to dress up in clothing that reflected their culture. It was wonderful to see so many students participate and celebrate their ethnicity in this special way.
The Main School Hallway was buzzing with students and staff enjoying the displays and answering questions about each others’ cultures. Senior Years students talked about their heritage with pride and enthusiasm, answering questions from our younger students and staff members as they toured the hallway.
At a special Senior Years Chapel on Friday, April 12, Leader of Spiritual Care and Campus Life Josh Dalzell led a panel discussion with a number of our students representing a variety of countries from around the world. Students were asked about the meaning of their names culturally, special traditions, and how they have been seen by God.
Representatives from “Country Families” read our theme verse in their language and Grade 9 student Angelia M. performed traditional Chinese music on her flute and on a Chinese instrument called a hulusi. You can watch her performance here.
Students watched the Blessing – World Edition and prayers were offered up in Spanish, Urdu and English.
Thank you to Mrs. Evelyn Davison and the EAL team for bringing this event to our community.