School News
Worship Monday with our K-12 CommunityOn Monday, October 16 our Kindergarten to Grade 12 students gathered for “Worship Monday”. Since 2005, this date has been celebrated as “Music Monday” by hundreds of thousands of students, teachers, parents and community members across Canada to observe the importance of music in our lives. At LCS, we are blessed to be able to use this important event to honour the one who created music. With a commitment to our Christ-centred approach to education, the LCS Performing Arts team annually plans a special chapel that revolves around worship and bringing glory to God.
Mrs. Bobbie Fast reminded us that worship is a profound and intimate expression of our faith and devotion to our Creator. It connects us with God and deepens our spiritual relationship. She spoke about worship as a heartfelt response to the incredible love and grace of God. Psalm 95:6 states: ” Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” When we worship, we respond to God, we grow in gratitude, and we draw closer to Him.
Performing Arts Director Mrs. Kim Neufeld reinforced our Performing Arts theme verse, Psalm 33: 1-4. “Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.”
We were directed in song by LCS parents Kelly and Lani Wiens. We worshipped through prayer and student led corporate scripture reading. We celebrated stories of God’s faithfulness. Our students were given a biblical explanation of worship and were encouraged to consider its importance in their daily lives.
In 2017 LCS received a grant from Manitoba Education and a group of LCS students were selected to co-write a song with Juno-nominated and Covenant Award winning artist, Jaylene Johnson. The result was our school theme song “Because He Loves Us”. In a beautiful display of community, worship, and response to God, our K-12 students sang this song as an expression of worship at the conclusion of our chapel.
We are thankful for Principal Bryan Schroeder’s leadership in planning “Worship Monday” for our K-12 students, staff and parents. It was wonderful to glorify God together as a community. Thanks also to our Performing Arts team (Mrs. Kim Neufeld, Mrs. Bobbie Fast, Mrs. Marla Friesen, Mrs. Brenda Johnson and Mrs. Janna Reid) for guiding our students into a deeper understanding of the role of worship and creating a space to bring praise to our God and King.